Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Another thoughtless day?

I'm checking in from work, just to announce to myself and any of "my friends" (eat your heart out McCain) that I don't have much to say this evening. I decided last night (after dawning sweat pants) that I was going to sleep in late today and lounge around in celebration of yesterday's job interview and the potential of new-job-getting. My day then took a turn for the better when a buddy introduced the idea of Chinese Buffet and some good ol' fashioned chiengin' out. This along with a couple of errands and a stop at the comic book store (which I've been neglecting recently) kept me out until a couple of hours ago when I arrived at work... The place where yesterday I was paid to sit through another painful "debate." Rather than repeat my previous ramblings, I'll merely comment that I was once again entertained by the twitter #debate08 channel (it's like people watching without the people). I've got a couple more hours around here tonight, which I'm going to use catching up on episodes of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia on Hulu, which when weighed against writing for an audience of me sounds like much more fun. Until Friday, adieu!

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