Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Third Party or Bust!!!

The Senate will vote today on a slightly amended version of the bail-out bill the House put down two days ago. My Presidential pick, Sen. Obama, is pushing for it to pass and this makes me sad because I don't know if I can support him anymore. What happened to opposition in politics? Not just fillibusters and party-platform politics, but asking questions about the agenda behind a bill and looking for other solutions. This bill forces our government (our collective voice) into what should be a private and free market, allowed to prosper and fail on its own. A free market can correct itself when situations like our current one arrise. It may take some time, but in the end I think it has to be better to let the market cut its own corruption and fat by expelling these inflated industries through bankruptcy. The necessary parts are going to keep chugging along because the demand is there for their services. Forcing over $700 billion in tax payers money (created out of thin air) into the market in hopes of correcting the horribly bad decisions of some runaway special interests cannot be a good idea. Is there no understanding in Washington that everytime more money is printed, it further deflates the value of the dollar? How is that good for America or the greater world market? Are we forgetting that our "President" is the one who is trying to rush us into this? The same guy who obviously doens't give a damn about anybody who isn't wealthy enough to benefit from his policies and vote for him the last two elections? At this point, if GW suggests something, every single democrat should be against it. I thought that Barack Obama would understand the weight of this situation, but instead he's turned into Hillary Clinton. A majority of Americans do not want this bill to pass. These are the people that Obama has been talking about helping over the last year and a half and the same people who got him to the top in the primaries. The change we can believe in is a shift from Washington only working for special interests to casting out those interests in favor of the common man. If and when Barack Obama votes for this bill today, he will have made a gross error in supporting more bad ideas to help the wrong people... more of the same. Where's the Obama that I was excited about last January? That Obama would stand up against this and fight for a better solution. As much as I don't want to, I'm being forced to buy into Dr. Paul's suggestion that these two politicians (Obama & McCain) are more or less the same person (politically). I'm sure if you looked at their voting records the last few months, they'd be nearly identical as they spend this amount of time pandering for middle-ground votes... support they'll inevitably forget about next January. I still believe that Obama is far more intelligent and much less of a risk to our country than John McCain; therefore, he'll still get my vote in November. It's finally been reduced to a 'lesser of two evils' view for me... something I really hoped wouldn't happen this election.I can't wait for the election when we have viable third party candidates, if only so it'll open up the current two parties to playing better politics. Ugh. The Great Depression of 2008 for me, may have absolutely nothing to do with Wall St. and everything to do with Obama turning his back on Main St.

btw, did anybody else notice that after the House voted against this bill, gas prices went down?

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