Friday, October 3, 2008

Awful Waffle

Here we are again, on the verge of further handicapping any chance we have of getting out of this "crisis" on the plus side and accidentally getting back on the right track in regards to making government effective and beneficial for all Americans. If that naive bastard Pangloss were around today, he's be on John McCain's campaign staff, appreciated for his indiotic reassurances that all is for the best. The House of Reps have received a slightly retooled bill overwhelmingly passed in the Senate; it's expected to pass this time around in the House. What's different this time? An increase in FDIC backing of accounts from $100k to $250k. I guess we might as well... 'cuz when this thing crashes, the government won't have the $100k to refund the banks... they may as well not have $250k either, while furthering instability and foreshadowing the Greater Depression. This shows just how much faith they have in this package working (by insuring 150% more loss). Also, we're getting more tax cuts! YEY! Except wait... aren't we continuing to build unprecedented debt while continually increasing spending? Where's this money coming from? Ohhhhhh! We have a printer! Sweet. Well, gig's up on that! China wants their money back! Maybe they're sudden insistance is due to forsight on their part that sooner than later, the dollar will be worthless and their investment in our country was just as bad as our own. There's still the chance that this bill won't pass again. What would that signify? A fantastic change in our Legislative Branch where the voice of the common man is heard louder than that of the wealthiest 4% of our country. I hold zero hope of this happening (there's a bleak track record involved here). All is for the worst in Washington and here we are, all revolutionless.

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