Monday, January 5, 2009

Do Germans agree it's 2009?

"Hello, German acquaintance. Happy 2008!"
"Oh, right! I keep forgetting! Happy 2009!"
"Wow, you're really jazzed about it, huh?"
"Well you could've fooled me, German acquaintance. You have any big resolutions for the big new year?"
"Yeah... I don't know why I do. Nobody ever keeps 'em anyways! Am. I. Right. Slap me five!"

(Re:) Resolutions 2009
I. Operation FSB (Fat Shit Billy)
         1. This excludes chicken, turkey, and fish.
         1. Unless you're sick and want Sprite, 7Up, or a refreshing Fresca.
         2. Unless you're dieing and the only thing to drink is soda.
         1. Got one.
             a. Makes my balls fall asleep... really weird sensation.
         2. Use it to ride a couple miles every couple days... IT HAS AN ODOMETER!
II. Operation $S [pronounced "s dollars" (short for "save dollars")]
     A. Get a full-time day job.
         1. Good idea, huh?
     B. Get tax return.
         1. We'll see about that...
     C. Vacation to Los Angeles, CA.
         1. The future home of Billy.
             a. Scout the area for harmful bacteria?
             b. Scout the area for possible employment!
             c. See: The Ocean.
             d. Visit PrrrrtyFood
III. Operation AA (Associate of Arts)
     A. Take remaining courses to complete AA.
         1. File with other useless paperwork.
             a. Assume another $2k in debt.
IV. Operation ABDS (Always Be Doing Something)
     A. WonderTaint/Short Shorts
         1. More YouTube mash-ups for editing practice and random LAWLing.
         2. Writing, Shooting, and Editing Some Short Sketches (Erroneous Capitalization Necessary).
     B. Driving While Stupid
         1. Writing some new songs for a new EP, already named.
             a. It is hilarious.
         2. Play Skappleton 2009!
             a. Moving Mikey did it having only played one prior show.
             b. Moving Mikey did not fare well at Skappleton 2007.
     C. Shroommates
         1. Shoot first episode!
         2. Finish writing second through sixth episodes!
         3. Shoot those episodes!
     D. New Music Review Blog
         1. This idea makes me giggle.
             a. An atypically typical music blog.

Some early results? I've already eaten some beef. It was hidden in the beef/turkey chili that J&K made. THAT ESS IS DELICIOUS! Srsly. Worth it. Otherwise, I've written the first episode of Shroommates, finished a new DWS song (sans lyrics), and managed to lose a couple pounds so far in 2009. I've also managed to have a cold. Boo cold. Boo not breathing through ya' nose.

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