Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Bonkers Dream Alert!

I had a really wild dream this morning just before waking up (at 11:32am... WIN!). The dream consisted of myself and a large cast of people I didn't recognize, placed in an incredibly strange movie theater lobby. I was working, as a theater employee, behind a counter that seemed to be far longer than the theater's lobby. It also featured multiple old porcelain sinks, three popcorn bins, a cotton candy maker, pizza ovens, a can of oil sitting right next to an oven burner that was on, and an assortment of different Wonka-like machinery. There was also a waiting room, apparently between the employee break room and this infinite concession. I was not having a good time working this particular day (I remember seeing light outside the doors on the adjacent side of the lobby). At one point, I was walking through the waiting room and was stopped by an old man in a lifejacket. He said something to me that I couldn't understand. At this point, a child came up to me and reiterrated what the old man was trying to say... yet, I still couldn't understand it. I then asked the old man to "either make sense or fuck off." His kid joined him and they exited the building. I also recall attempting to retrieve a popcorn for a guy who refused to speak... unfortunately, each of the popcorn bins were suddenly seven feet tall and I couldn't reach inside. I asked a co-worker if there was a step ladder and she was not helpful. At this point, I said "eff it" and went back to the breakroom. Instead of a break room, there was a warehouse aisle featuring strange costumes and assorted backpacks. On the top shelf of this long aisle, there were mannequins dressed and staged in strange scenes... one of them was Swamp Thing sitting in a lobby, reading a newspaper. Having had my fill of this madness, I decided to finally wake up. A little more than an hour point five has passed and my brain still hurts. I was faced with the decision to either write about my dream or post a FAIL-BLOG for today. I probably should've chosen the latter...

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