Sunday, November 16, 2008


AIM IM with Chris K. 3/14/08 6:45 PM
Chris K. Hey Billy
William hey bonkers mcnadfest
Chris K. you don't work today?
William nope
William did earlier
Chris K. thats cool
William 8-4
William it's fucking cool
Chris K. when did you stop working at the theater on Fridays?
William now
William and forever
Chris K. so you're majorly cutting down hours
Chris K. ?
William yeah
William 40 at hotel/week
William 8 at radio/wk
William plus any at the fleur = ridulously too much work
Chris K. sitting around is getting to be too much work for you?
Chris K. you will not silence me
William i'm gonna eat so much chinese buffet
William you have no idea whatsoever
Chris K. I just had Chinese buffet
Chris K. and it was way too much
William of course you did
Chris K. I feel really unhealthy
William of course you do
Chris K. not good stuff
Chris K. of course I do
Chris K. thats why I rule
William this is why i'm hot?
Chris K. don't you put that evil on me Billy Short!!
William you taste my evil shorts
William babies have 'em
William lolololoolololll
Chris K. so I've decided to buy a Wii this week
William good
William it's about time
Chris K. on Monday I am going to go to Gamestop
Chris K. and ask to be put on their raincheck list
Chris K. if they are still doing that
William they'll say
William that was 2 years ago
Chris K. and then hopefully they get one on Tuesday
William sorry
Chris K. they just started doing that like 3 months ago
William oh yeah
Chris K. ooooh, Jericho marathon on Sci Fi tonight

William i forgot
William that was basically 2 years ago
Chris K. basically, yes
Chris K. I hope I get one
Chris K. I really want to play it again
Chris K. and this week would be a great week to play
William all week
William playing
Chris K. indeed
William so whatcha doin tonight, skrilla?
Chris K. gonna watch King of Kong with my dad later
William is he a hairy man?
Chris K. indeed
Chris K. I enjoy that movie greatly
William is a red t-shirt with brown pants ok?
William i've got a date
Chris K. do you really?
William yep
Chris K. wow, with who?
Chris K. and what color of red?
William girl i work with at the hotel...
William red red
Chris K. nice dude, congrats
Chris K. bright or dark red?
William kinda bright
Chris K. and light or dark brown?
William dark
Chris K. hmmm, that may work
Chris K. I mean I can't tell you for sure
Chris K. do you have black pants?
William yeah
Chris K. because that would work better
William but they're kinda tight
Chris K. show her what you got to offer, haha
William is that in a book?
William you should write a book
Chris K. I really should
William Dating 'Young and Successful'
Chris K. a few more tips from me
Chris K. don't say anything racist or sexist
William i've never before been racist!
Chris K. well you are continually racist, so you probably don't notice
Chris K. haha
William i'm pretty racist
William but this chick is half black
William so i can't be so racist
William only half
Chris K. ah
Chris K. wow, half black
William hopefully her vaginal half
Chris K. I am jealous
Chris K. is it racist that I have always wanted to date a black girl

Chris K. ?
William hahahahahahahaha
William i don't have a date, f00l
Chris K. oh reall?
Chris K. why the heck would you lie about that?
William i just created a new website called "billy solicits hilarious shit from people and posts it on facebook'
Chris K. dude
William hahahahahahahahahaha
Chris K. thats not really cool
William hahahahahahahahahaha
William ::tears::
William everybody's going to know you're a metrosexual racist
Chris K. did you really post it?
Chris K. thats not cool man
William hahahahahahahahaha!
Chris K. like seriously not cool
William are you not cool with that?
William 'cuz it's pretty funny
Chris K. like seriously not coo
Chris K. l
William like exclamation point
William or you won't talk to me for a week
William with an exclamation point
William 'cuz.... it's pretty funny
Chris K. like not talk to you

William i can show james right?
Chris K. because I don't feel I can trust you to not post it
Chris K. thats fine
William that should satisfy me
Chris K. I don't care if anyone who knows its jokingly sees it
William ....should
Chris K. but people who think I am racist and whatnot its not cool then
William well dude, i've gotta save this convo. and go eat china
Chris K. ok man
Chris K. thanks for the non-betrayal, haha

Chris K. take care

I just found this conversation saved in my documents folder (which I only look at once every three trimesters). Now that my former 48 Hour Film Project partner, Chris K. and I are no longer on speaking terms (this as a result of him responding to my genuine interest in a project by being a condescending prick), there's really no reason not to post this somewhere... like this blog, which according to Google Adsense receives around 150 views a month. That's not much and really, there's nothing too embarassing here. Anyways, here's his website, so you can be friends with him: Fanciful Tattoos. Be careful though, he's surely a better person than you in every respect, despite any kind of reality which us others may live in.