Wednesday, September 3, 2008

... calmer than you are.

Alas, my job search has not yet netted me a new job... the hunt continues tomorrow as I return an application to Sticks, where Willy T. suggested I might sand and/or burn things. Sounds fun? Sounds like a day job... which I need. I CAN'T AFFORD COMICS FOR THE SECOND WEEK IN A ROW!!! Bigger problem: I may not be able to afford to fill my gas tank again 'til next Friday (nine days away...). Here's hoping for some fantastic gas milage this week! Maybe some good news will come out of my unemployment phone conference tomorrow morning? I was recently fired from the hotel I had worked at for the last ten months after being told time and time again throughout that entire span that I would be receiving a promotion. The letting-go-of-Billy took place after I wrote a note to the night auditor, suggesting that he get in check with reality and stop being a dumbass. I didn't use such words and had the backing of my co-workers and manager (as he told me I was "right") in doing this... Anyhow, I performed my job to the standards that were required of me and was let go because they did not want to give me a raise (as we would be entering the slow-season at the hotel). Etc. etc. etc. It should be a nice, easy conversation resulting in me getting a couple of checks that I could really use. Unless I have my kind of luck... then it'll at least be a common refrain. I'm used to things not working out... it happens A LOT.

I got paid to listen to Rudy Guiliani and Sarah Palin's speeches tonight (about $12). Both were despicable. I prefer Daniel "Rudy" Rudiger to Rudy 911. Who wasn't rooting for Rudy to get in the game, with his family and good buddy (Jon Favreau) there watching!?! Enthralling stuff! Much better than twisted rhetoric and cheap shots fed to a crowd of obviously disenfranchised husbands and their hockey-wives. Ugh. How about poor Levi... I can't wait for this election to end and that guy to get a TV show. I got a good chuckle every time the camera cut to him with his baby mama at his side. Fantastic stuff. I was very unimpressed with Sarah Palin's speech. She carried herself well enough, but slamming Barack Obama in front of a conservative crowd is about as easy of a setting as she'll see these next couple months. I cannot wait for the Biden/Palin debate... or the Obama/McCain debate for that matter. Both should prove very confirming in my belief that the Obama/Biden ticket looks great for our future.

I had written some more here... but Blogger didn't like it. Basically, I was just saying that the two new Matt Embree albums (Love You Moon "Waxwane" & The Sound of Animals Fighting "The Ocean and the Sun") are both excellent. I also had some praise for Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along-Blog; the soundtrack to which, just became available two nights ago on iTunes. Maybe I'll rewrite my thoughts on these things later on? It's super exhausting to write something and have it deleted though, so I'm out for the evening. Adieu.

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