Monday, September 1, 2008

Check. Check 1. Sibilance. Sibilance. Check. Check 2. Sibilance. Sibilance.

Something I haven't yet mentioned nor reflected anywhere on this page: I intend to update this regularly, every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Also, I'll probably jot some things down randomly between here and there... so, that's the goal.

Notice to company's providing public restrooms:
What kind of customer service is it to provide a place to relieve one's self, yet provide sub-par toilet paper!?! Here's the thing... if I'm using your establishment for some Mambo #2, it's a situation that merits a decent toilet paper; otherwise, I would just return home and use the toilet paper of my own choosing (2-ply, fluffy, w/ quilts, roughly 4" wide). Given this, why would you taunt me with a place to poop and no way to clean it up! This one-ply, width-of-a-baby's palm junk will not suffice! A) I don't want to smear poop all over my butt. B) I don't want to smear poop all over my hands. C) I don't want to be standing in this restroom for the next twenty minutes! What if you provided a quality TP? Guests of your business would use less TP and leave with more than a chaffed, red bung-casm. Sure, you're at greater risk for poor people and/or college students ripping off your paper, but damnit! You owe them so much, what with the alcohol and Krispy Kreme sales (if you're a gas station)! Please, I beg you. I had to take two showers today because of this problem (and an upset stomach).

I have been absolutely enthused with "Babygate" ever since reading the first rumors a couple nights ago. For those not hanging on every Digg article, there was talk that Sarah Palin's four month old child is actually her 17 year old daughter, Bristol's. The argument behind this is that Sarah Palin doesn't appear pregnant in photographs and video taken after she announced she was pregnant (seven months at this time), shocking her staff (who hadn't noticed). Meanwhile, Bristol had been removed from school for five to eight months with "mono." Fast forward, Sarah Palin goes into labor at a speech in Texas. She then boards a plane to Seattle. She then boards a plane Anchorage. She then drives past two hospitals to Wasilla (where she was formerly Mayor) to deliver her child. WHAT!?! That's crazy! She flew at least eight hours while giving birth to a premature child with Downs Syndrome!?! ZOMG!!!1!
This is some
of the best political murmoring ever!!! Imagine my disappointment when I returned home this afternoon to read that Sarah Palin announced her 17 year old daughter Bristol is five months pregnant. Alaska's Governor Sarah Palin believes in abstinence-only education. She is a pro-life conservative. Her 17 year old daughter is five months pregnant. She also endangered her child and her own life flying across the continent to give birth. WTF John McCain?
This confirms my suspicion that the GOP is throwing away this election to regroup for 2012. Letting McCain throw away his and a Governor-nobody-had-heard-of's political careers and limiting damage to future potential candidates. It's kinda wonderful. President
Obama looks so incredibly promising...

"Geezuz effing christ, no way! Ugghhhhhhhhhhhh! Damn this administration!" After reading this article, that is what I said. How bad is it that I can't just write this off as ridiculous? That while our country's military is tied up in Iraq and Afghanistan... our administration just annoyed both Russia and China... that tension between Israel and Iran seems so sensitive, such a thing is not absurd? Why wouldn't GW spark the wildfire in Iran right before he leaves office? He wouldn't want to tarnish his legacy... Get those warhawk Republicans all fired up to hit the polls in November! It's sick and sad and I don't want to think about it.

On a pleasant note, as I had Twitter'd, I finally read issues #1-4 of Marvel's 'Guardians of the Galaxy' last night. It has made the jump from sat-aside to one of my favorite current books... granted we have to make it out of the first story arch and a Secret Invasion tie-in (... shit). I really dig the team dynamic, the miscellaneous characters (Cosmo ftw), and the Real World Real Room interview frames. The tie-in to the old GotG series (which I wasn't aware of until speaking with Chris today) is a pretty cool move as well. I look forward to the next issue of this as much as the [re]start of Deadpool's series this month. Yey, Marvel!

It's September, which means some great weather is ahead of us... nice cool days and nights. I look forward to chieng'n out and slowing down this year by really enjoying this autumn. Another nice thing about September is the Pirates' season is almost over. I never thought I would miss Jason Bay. His horrible defense, weak lobs to the infield, and inability to hit with runners on base only annoyed me! Then, he started to turn it around this year with some big late-inning hits... Then, the Pirates trade Xavier Nady and Damaso Marte. I liked X a bunch and really hoped that he would be able to stick around. The guy is so clutch at the plate late in a game. He would make some great catches and some strong throws to the plate. He was one of the best players I've seen in a Pirates uniform in so long. Gone. Marte, I can live without. Relief pitchers don't win games. When Bay was sent to the Red Sox, I thought the return looked very much worth the move. But alas, LaRoche looks like his brother in April... Hansen is a nut-job and can't throw strikes... Morris was shut down in AA with a bad shoulder... and Moss is obviously still a bit light on his ankle and maybe a five-spot guy in the lineup at best. Ugh. If only MLB would enforce a salary cap and the Bucs could get and keep some quality talent around. If only the Pirates could hire a manager who is out for the win every single inning of every single game. It's brutal watching them now. McCutchen should be called up this month. Let him get his feet wet for next season. Let fans have a chance to witness for themselves what this guy is about and judge if waiting for the 2011 and 2012 seasons is going to be worth the wait! Give me a reason other than my receeding hairline to sport my Bucs cap...

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