Monday, September 15, 2008

Fever Pitch

A couple of months ago, a buddy of mine joined a 'find your perfect match' type of website. He told me a little bit about it and that at the very least, it increased the minute chance of him meeting a girl (and that the site is completely free). I was sold. He exited the site after about two weeks, after a meeting that didn't go so well. I've stuck with it and have just in the last week become more active within the site. The thing here is that I'm not very good with socializing in general, let alone when an attractive female is in the mix... it's a bit of a phobia. At my bank, there's one teller who is probably the cutest lady I've ever seen. When I see she's working, I can't go into the bank for fear of her talking to me (how do I know she's there? She was leaving while I was at the ATM one day, so I know what she drives... so I'm accidentally a stalker?). Anyways, I've recently worked up the nerve to request a "WTF Report" from a couple of Des Moines area singles. A WTF Report compares each of our answers to questions the site provides in order to get to know us. This way, I can get a better feel for how the lady whose answers I've requested and decide if I should take the plunge and message her. I requested two of these reports last week... they have been pending since. PENDING! THEY HAVE NOT YET BEEN REJECTED! I thought of this as a good sign. My profile actually requires a pause before rejecting! SCORE!!! This left me feeling a bit cocky, so I requested another WTF Report (membership drive for The Billy Club!). REJECTED! Of the six matches I approve of, this lady was #2 on the list. She looks very cute, kinda nerdy maybe, and possibly intelligent per her info. page. THIS IS ALL IT TAKES TO BE #2!!! She looked at my profile and said, "nope... not this dude." Ugh. Shot to the heart, baby (and you're to blame!). #3 and #6 couldn't make up their minds, and #2 votes neigh (as does Senator Mr. Ed, R-AZ). Do I even bother to ask #1 at this point? It's plainly obvious that the more interest I have in a lady, the less she has in me! Welp, I wasn't going to but I dared myself. It sounded like this: "I double dare you to do it, you sissy!" Then the Marty McFly in me asked, "you calling me chicken?" My Biff personality then replied, "I thought I told you never to come here again!" Then, I interrupted and said, "I'm just gonna do it." This happened just about an hour ago. "Great Scott!!!" All of this just to compare some thoughts with an attractive person without having to meet her. I'm going to have another fantastic trilogy's worth of material if she actually approves my WTF request...

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