Friday, September 12, 2008

We'll soon have you disco dancing with the best!

Wouldn't it be nice if our news organizations took their jobs seriously? I really enjoyed watching John McCain spew robot answers underfire by this no-name Maine newsguy. It's not specific to John McCain though. I wish that all serious political candidates had to face honest questioning. It'd be nice to get these figures off of their platforms and get a feel for his or her own knowledge, experience, and/or agenda. How odd is it that the only place to consistently see this type of news is on Comedy Central? I trust Jon Stewart more than my local newsteam... If those pudwacks were any good they wouldn't be in Des Moines, IA. What a mess.

Dillinger Four's new album Civil War leaked yesterday (whatever that means...) and somehow (I DON'T KNOW HOW!!!), I've listened to it (or have I!?!). It's effing gnarly! The recording is super clean (even cleaner than Situational Comedy), which I appreciate. I really dislike when "punk" bands produce "punk" recordings... LoFi doesn't hide that you're not very talented. I haven't really paid attention to the lyrics in these songs yet, but I suspect they're just as good as always. The vocal melodies are perfect though. Between D4 and the Lawrence Arms, I can't decide who I enjoy more. They both layer great dual vocals over aggressive tunes in a way that makes Billy full of happy. Anyhow, I'd be content for the above-mentioned two bands, along with Bad Religion and Pulley, to be the only punk bands whose music finds my earholes.

Burn After Reading tonight. I may even try to watch The Women at some point this weekend... Eva Mendes... grrrrrrrrrr. Definitely a Billy Certified Babe.

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