Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Don't get me started on this actual scene by the way... WTF were they thinking crediting anybody as Omega Red... let alone a tan dude with dark hair. Ugh. I can't wait for the Ultimate Bastardisation of Deadpool coming up next year in the Wolverine: Origins movie! BTW, the new Deadpool series starts today! I'll be reading issue #1 in about an hour.

This issue was AWESOME! Apparently, ol' Deadpool is a wee bit more delusional now.. and is having a three-way conversation with himself despite taking on a ship full of Skrulls by himself... but this issue sets the stage for some great books to come. Whew! Another big "whew" is due for Paco Medina's pencils as well. I really dig his style. I thought I'd read that Way was paired with Steve Dillon (from Wolverine: Origins) again, which would've been unfortunate news because Dillon's pencils are super weak. Medina was probably my favorite artist during Messiah Complex. He and Skottie Young (who was penciling covers for the Cable & Deadpool series towards its end) are both incredi
bly skilled. I iz envious? Yes.

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