Friday, September 26, 2008

It feels like summer in late Setember

Not much to write (nor much time to write) today. The debate is all systems go for tonight! I'll be at work, but downtime should allow me to see most of what is said this evening. I'm pretty excited to hear what Barack Obama's thoughts are on the economic CRISIS... I'm guessing that'll only be a small part of the debate though as the subject at hand tonight is FOREIGN POLICY.
As much as I like Ron Paul's idea of what our foreign policy should be (bring all troops home except for those there at the behest of the foreign country and mind our own business as friends to all, while doing favors for none). However, at this point it'll take a very long time to get to such a place... so baby steps in the right direction, I beg. Let's cut troops in the areas they're not needed, bring home the soldiers whose time has been served, and reallocate remaining troops to areas where their presence will make a greater difference in tieing up current disputes (ie: Afghanistan/Pakistan). What if we weren't overextended in Iraq after Katrina/Ike? We could've had a much quicker response on the home front, maybe? Eh, but what do I know...
I brought up foreign policy and immediately started with the military... How NeoConservative of me! But an important part of not just Ron Paul's philosophy, but some may say the philosophy of our founding fathers, is being friendly with all nations but granting favors to none. Why are we such good friends with Israel? Is it because Jews have all the money? What great return do we receive from Israel for pissing off the Palestinians? Sure, their people are inherently funny and Curb Your Enthusiasm is a really good show, but... I just think that we should say, "sorry, dudes. We've like, got our own problems. Peace out? Kewl beanz."
Welp, as I mentioned, I've not much time. I've got cancer. It's really bad.

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